Superposed Over/Under Shotgun

Superposed Over/Under Shotgun

The Superposed shotgun was introduced to the U.S. market in 1931 and discontinued distribution in the U.S. in 1986.. The Superposed is still available through Browning International's Custom Shop.

To find your serial number, you will need to refer to your owner's manual. We have most owner's manuals online.

DateHistoric InformationSerial Number Info
1931-39Production of the Superposed 12 ga. began in 1931.1-17,000
Exact production figures are not available. Year of manufacture on Pre-World War II production is strictly a guess at best.
1939-1947Production ceased during World War II 
1948 17100-17200
1949Production of the 20 ga. began. First series of numbers are for the 12 ga. Second series of numbers are for the 20 ga.
These serial numbers for each year from 1949-63 are best guess.
12 ga.: 17201-20000
20 ga.: 100-1700
1950 12 ga.: 20001-21000
20 ga.: 1701-2800
1951 12 ga.: 21001-27000
20 ga.: 2801-2100
1952 12 ga.: 27001-33000
20 ga.: 3201-5300
1953 12 ga.: 33001-37000
20 ga.: 5301-6700
1954 12 ga.: 37001-43000
20 ga.: 6701-8400
1955 12 ga.: 43001-48000
20 ga.: 8401-9400
1956 12 ga.: 48001-54000
20 ga.: 9401-10500
1957 12 ga.: 54001-59000
20 ga.: 10501-11500
1958 12 ga.: 59001-68500
20 ga.: 11501-14180
1959 12 ga.: 68501-76500
20 ga.: 14181-17060
1960 12 ga.: 76501-86500
20 ga.: 17061-20640
1961 12 ga.: 86501-96500
20 ga.: 20641-23820
1962 12 ga.: 96501-99999
20 ga.: 23821-27300
1963-68From 1962 serial numbers were followed by the date of manufacture.
2S=12 gauge for the year 1962.
2V=20 gauge for the year 1962.
2F=28 gauge for the year 1962.
2J=.410 bore for the year 1962.
Example: 6556S2 = A 1962 Superposed 12 ga. shotgun with serial number 6556.
S=12 gauge
V=20 gauge
F=28 gauge
J=.410 bore
1969-751969 started using two digits for the date of manufacture:
S=12 gauge
V=20 gauge
F=28 gauge
J=.410 bore
This was then preceded by the serial number beginning with 1000.
Example: 1000S69 = A 1969 Superposed 12 ga.. shotgun with a serial number of 1000.
S=12 gauge
V=20 gauge
F=28 gauge
J=.410 bore
1976-1986In 1975 Browning standardized its serial number identification which it followed until 1998.
1. Superposed Type213=12 gauge
233=20 gauge
173=28 gauge
183=.410 bore
2. Date of Manufacture
is a two digit code
3. Serial Number
beginning with 01001
at the start of each year.

Number Example:


This would be an Superposed 12 ga., manufactured in 1976 with the serial number 01001.