Leige Over/Under Shotgun

Leige Over/Under Shotgun

Leige Over/Under Shotgun

Leige Over/Under Shotgun

The Leige Over/Under Shotgun was introduced to the U.S. market in 1973 and discontinued in the U.S. in 1975. This shotgun is still being produced, but sold through Browning International in Belgium.

To find your serial number, you will need to refer to your owner's manual. We have most owner's manuals online.

DateHistoric InformationSerial Number Info
1973-75In 1969 Browningstarted using two digits for the date of manufacture:
J=12 gauge
K=20 gauge
This was then followed by the serial number beginning with 1000.
Example: 69J1000 = A 1969 Leige 12 ga. shotgun with a serial number of 1000.
J=12 gauge
K=20 gauge