Black Label
Black Label
Black Label is a unique set of products offered by Browning that are oriented specifically toward the needs of those who love tactical. This is quality gear through and through, designed with assistance from some the world's top experts in self defense and tactical equipment design.
It is not hunting, shooting and outdoor gear like the traditional Browning line. It is specialized gear for those of us who really like tactical gear: the look, feel and function. Much of the gear is for shooters of tactical types of firearms. Other gear is directly designed to excel at conceal carry. Whatever it is, you will find it authentic to the purpose.
Our original mission when starting Black Label was to design the most functional and innovative tactical gear possible. It all began with Browning Black Label Tactical knives. Using the finest materials and most modern manufacturing processes available we produced the ultimate knives for the working professional. Designed with direct feedback from special operations, military, law enforcement and civilian knife experts, Browning has perfected a full spectrum of tactical blades that cover every mission imaginable.
Select from deep cover neck knives, heavy duty fixed blade and folding utility knives, plus exotic push daggers, throwing knives and combat tomahawks. None of this would have been possible without the help of Jared Wihongi. Jared is our chief consultant on matters of martial arts and self defense, particularly in the use of knives. Jared's exertise, combined with the knife design experience of Browning works to create highly functional designs.
Today, Browning offers a full line-up of tactical products designed for the profession and enthusiast alike. Encompassing a growing line of top quality knives, tactical clothing, gear bags, range accessories and gun safes, Black Label Gear gives you the decisive edge and a clean advantage in any situation. Make no mistake, this is no nonsense, no compromise, no gimmick tactical gear that provides outstanding performance in any environment.